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Early Years Funding

All children are entitled to Early Years Funding from Croydon Council from the tem after their 3rd birthday.

    A child turns 3 between January and March entitled to funding from April
    A child turn 3 between April and August entitled from September
    A child turn 3 between September and December entitled from January

The government will fund 15 hours a week, for 38 weeks of the year free nursery education which is paid directly to the nursery.

In order to claim this funding you will need to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate and complete a declaration stating where you are claiming the free entitlement.

At Little Learners we will spread the funding over the 12 months and reduce your fees accordingly. We will provide you with a breakdown of your early years funding entitlement.

The following fees apply:

5 full days a week:

£609.50 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
4 full days a week:
£496.50 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
3 full days a week:
£316.50 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
2 full days a week:
£180.60 per month includes £125.40 early years funding
1 full day a week:
£61.80 per month includes £91.20 early years funding

5 mornings a week:

£363.75 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
4 mornings a week:
£282.50 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
3 morning a week:
£176.25 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
2 morning a week:
£87.10 per month includes £125.40 early years funding
1 morning a week:
£43.55 per month includes £62.70 early years funding

5 afternoons a week:

£289.38 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
4 afternoons a week:
£223.00 per month includes £142.50 early year funding
3 afternoons a week:
£131.63 per month includes £142.50 early years funding
2 afternoons a week:
£80.15 per month includes £102.60 early years funding
1 afternoon a week:
£40.08 per month includes £51.30 early years funding

These fees are based on a child attending all year.

If however you only want to access your fee entitlement please speak to a senior member of staff who will be happy to discuss current availability with you.


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Nurseries in South Croydon
Hosted by NurseryWeb (FootfallCam Company)